
Women Are Strong. Labor is your decision. Your body autonomy matters.

Let’s do it Together

Do I need a Labor Doula?

Each and every birth is unique and beautiful in its own way. The decisions that you make for yourself and your baby deserve to be respected. These facts are at the core of my practice. I am not here to tell you how to birth. I am here to provide information and then support you in your decisions. To further this point, this labor package includes my complementary Childbirth Education Class.

The effectiveness of labor support doulas has been demonstrated in many studies (see more on “Why Use a Doula?” page). They have been linked to

  • shorter labors

  • less intervention

  • more positive feelings about the labor by the whole family

I will be a constant source of comfort and knowledge during your labor, with positioning, comfort measures, and soothing reassurances for the entire birth team.

Why should I hire you, specifically?

Years of Experience and Continued Education

  • I started my doula training in 2018 and have kept up with the latest information and trainings. My continued education includes but is not limited to;

    • Evidence Based Birth Academy Continued Education Courses 2021

    • Stillbirthday Certified 2022

    • Trauma Informed Coach Certification 2023

    • Spinning Babies official training 2023

    • Hypno-Doulas official training 2024

  • As a mentor doula with Birth It Forward, I am constantly attending and hosting Enrichment Workshops to learn right along with my students! I love attending Breastfeeding Workshops with IBCLCs, Mayan Uterine Massage experts, mental health experts, and so many more.

My Doula Support Package is unique in my partnership with the nonprofit, Birth It Forward!

  • My clients (You!) are able to select a back-up doula from their directory, someone to take over if I am unable to attend your birth due to sickness or uncontrollable circumstances. Often, doulas do not have this back-up system in place, or they choose your back-up for you. In support of making sure you are in control of every aspect of your birth, I love the added choice this gives to my clients.

  • As the Executive Director of Birth It Forward, I am in LOVE with our mission to bring birth services to every person, regardless of financial situation. I am thrilled to be able to incorporate the work I do with them into my personal business!

Labor Support Package $1,200

As a certified Maternal Support Practitioner, I provide knowledge, emotional, and physical support.

Consultations are a free, no obligation meeting. We can grab a cup of coffee, meet over Zoom, or just chat over the phone.

If you decide to book, my maternal labor support service is $1200 to be paid before 38 weeks. This service can also be packaged with my fertility or postpartum packages for a 10% discount.

Complementary Childbirth Education

This virtual, comprehensive, childbirth education class is prerecorded for your convince. We will cover the stages of birth, when to go into the hospital/call your midwife, coping techniques (both natural and medicated), when intervention becomes necessary and its effects, breastfeeding if applicable, and bonding.

Personalized Birth and Postpartum Plans

During your classes, we will discuss what to expect in your birth space and the different decisions you can make. For example, will you be wanting to have the Vitamin K shot after birth? We will record all of your preferences into a birth plan that I will print off and bring to the birth for your birth team. We will also discuss the importance of planned postpartum support, creating a list of basic chores needing to be done in the postpartum period and who will be doing them while you rest.

Labor Support

I will be available to you 24/7. Once you feel that you are in labor, call or text to let me know and we can assess when you want me to come in for support. The first stage of labor can be lengthy and you may not want or need me to come until late first stage. I will also stay with you after your birth until you feel ready or until COVID restrictions require me to leave.

Contact us.


Fertility Doula Support


A Doula in Your Pocket